very impressive
Although this doesnt have much to do with flash, the algorithm u came up with for this movie is very impressive. I give u the benifit of the doubt and assume that U cam up with it and that u didnt just copy/paste it from somewhere else. I couldnt find any bugs because the 2 mazes i played had a good route to the other point and were pretty challenging. So on the technical aspect this game is really top notch. But then for the entertainment value. It was really annoying that the dot u controled reacted so slow to the arrow keys. I understand this is because its a heavy application but still (I dont have an outdated pc). The entire presentation was pretty dull too, since it consisted of 2 dots and some lines. And ofcourse the lacking in the sound area isnt something im too happy about. But still i give u credits for the code and the concept and i hope to see more of stuff from ur hand in the future. Adios.